Protekla dva tjedna imali smo dvije zanimljive gošće u našoj školi. Srednjoškolke Hanna i Calista stigle su čak iz Njemačke kako bi odradile stažiranje u Školi stranih jezika - Žiger. Uz upoznavanje s administrativnim i marketinškim djelom poslovanja, Hanna i Calista imale su priliku sudjelovati na nastavi njemačkog jezika kod Lehrerin Jasenke i Barbare.

Evo što Hanna i Calista kažu o iskustvu stažiranja u Školi Žiger:

"My internship at Škola stranih jezika – Žiger included all sorts of different activities such as getting to know the Amber school system and the whole process of running a business. I learned so many interesting things about the work life balance in Croatia, and the one I liked most was how kind everyone treats each other no matter how old the other person is or where they are from. I did many different activities during my 2 week internship. Some of the tasks were: creating different kinds of posters an dpromo materials, creating video materials or attending German classes.

Speaking of classes, all in all it was worth attending them because it’s interesting to see how it works in another country too.

Overall, I really enjoyed taking part in that internship. Now I have a small view on how things are abroad and I am intrigued to work in a different country in the future.“ - Hanna

"Personally, my first impression of the school was that everyone is very nice and open towards us as soon as we arrived. I was able to see different parts of running a business such as administration and marketing but also the parts of being a teacher. They were all very interesting but quite similar to what I already know from Germany. I was able to learn how to create ads for the media and show people how interesting languages can be. When we visited the classes, it was nice talking to other people and see how they are learning German and what they thought about the language.

All in all, the school is very nice and has a lovely atmosphere, including the people there." - Calista

Stažiranje koje su Hanna i Calista odradile u našoj školi obogatilo je našu školsku zajednicu, ali i same učenice koje su kroz dva tjedna stekle brojna nova iskustva. Ovo iskustvo omogućilo im je stjecanje vrijednih vještina i stručnog znanja koje će im koristiti u budućnosti, kako u akademskom tako i u profesionalnom životu. Kroz program stažiranja, Hanna i Calista imale su priliku upoznati različite kulture i način života u Hrvatskoj, što svakako može proširiti njihov svjetonazor i obogatiti njihovo osobno i radno iskustvo. Osim toga, odrađivanje prakse u drugoj državi može služiti kao temelj za buduću akademsku ili profesionalnu suradnju između škola i institucija u različitim zemljama.

Ponosni smo što nam se pružila priliku za razmjenu znanja, iskustava i kulture te promicanje međunarodne suradnje i razumijevanja među mladima!